How To Clean or Descale Your Espresso Machine

You might want to consider cleaning the inside and outside when you’re looking to get your espresso machine in tip-top shape. After all, those grounds can leave quite a mess, and they should be removed so that your machine doesn’t have any issues. For example, when these grounds accumulate around filters and portafilters, they can inhibit their ability to deliver a consistently great shot of espresso. This may decrease overall efficiency – but more so than just doing a quick wipe down with water.

The answer is yes! Of course, other parts of your machine need attention as well. However, for ease of use in this particular guide, the focus is on the inside and outside of your espresso machine.

How To Clean Or Descale Your Espresso Machine

Cleaning Inside Your Espresso Machine

Detergent can be used to clean your espresso machine. It’s best not to use harsh chemicals or bleach, as they may damage your machine! Also, never mix bleach with detergent – if you do so, you risk creating a toxic brew that would make your coffee taste just plain terrible.

Start by cleaning all the parts at once – you can get a filter and fill it up with hot water and vinegar as a warm sponge if you want. Then, you can add a bit of liquid dish detergent and scrub away. Once that’s done, use a brush to scrub even more, if necessary.

To finish off this process of cleaning the inside of your espresso machine, run a little bit of water through the machine at its hottest temperature possible.

Cleaning Outside Your Espresso Machine (The Easiest Part!)

It might appear that cleaning the outside of your espresso maker is much easier than cleaning the inside – and it is! While you’ll need to spend a bit more time on your interior work, it’s best to focus on what matters – making great espresso shots.

To clean your espresso machine, simply wipe down the exterior with a damp cloth, and once done, you can even give it a bit of a wipe-down with some warm water on top of that. This will help wash away any espresso or coffee stains that may accumulate on the outside. Also, never use soap or use anything abrasive to clean your device – you do not want to damage it!

In addition to cleaning up your outside, you’ll want to consider ensuring your grinder is in tip-top shape. This is important because it can affect your shots of espresso. If the grinder is clogged, you won’t have the best shot in your espresso (either too much or too little grind size).

The Verdict: Power Washers Vs. Simple Soap & Water

Some people indeed prefer to use detergent to clean their machines. However, unless you plan on cleaning your espresso machine very often, sometimes it’s best to take a long-term approach and go with hot water and a sponge or cloth instead. This way, you’ll ensure that the inside of your machine will remain as clean as possible and all components will work properly.

However, if you’re the type to regularly clean your espresso machine, then a power washer may be more useful to you. Check out this guide on how to clean your coffee maker with one of those and decide for yourself!

Cleaning Your Grinder (One Of The Most Important Parts)

First off, you must know when it is time to do so. For your coffee grinders to function properly, they must be cleaned often. This allows them to operate smoothly and produce the ideal shots of espresso that you’re looking for. However, it’s best to use a wet sponge or cloth to do so without causing damage or reducing its performance ability.

This way, you won’t have any issues. However, it’s important that you pay close attention to the type of grinder that you have. For example, rotor grinders are more sensitive to water and detergents than others. They can also emit heat when used – so make sure to give them plenty of space and never pour water on top of them.

If you’re the type to clean your grinder on a regular basis, then a simple dish detergent with water might do the trick. However, if you’re looking to keep it at its best and perhaps even avoid any specific chemicals – it’s best to use hot water instead. Additionally, never ever use bleach with your grinder! Doing so will render your machine useless and risk damage.

How To Clean Your Coffee Maker With A Power Washer [Quick Trick]

Don’t have access to any detergent on this one? Worry not! Instead of using regular soap and water on your espresso machine, you can opt for one of these great tools. Check it out!


Looking to remove coffee stains from your walls? Use a wet sponge or cloth to help get them off.

Wipe your line with a clean towel before you pour water down it. If you do this, it won’t ruin the coffee, but it will make it easier to clean later.

Detergent is great for removing your espresso machine’s dust and dirt – with no issues. When you’re done cleaning, give it a quick rinse with water to avoid any damage.

Never use bleach with your espresso machine. Doing so will damage it. Use detergent instead!

If you have a rust problem, salt, and water will help remove it. Mix some salt with some warm water and then pour it into an open container. Place your espresso machine in the container for at least 24 hours to help clean out the rust (as well as any other harmful residue). Rinse it off afterward to remove all of the salt.


If you’re looking for a way to clean your espresso machine, you’ve come to the right place. This article has some great tips for ensuring that your device stays in great condition and continues producing those tasty espresso shots! The key is to ensure that your espresso machine is clean but still functions well.